06 February 2010

Portraits that I dugged up

    Here I am, awoken after 15 minutes of sleep in the wee hours on a Saturday morning. I have posted these on FB, but I think it looks nicer here thanks to the direct link to Flickr. Oh gosh, I'm one of those attention seekers now who post the same bloody thing all over the god damned place to get their name out. Honestly, I'd rather keep a low key and only showcase my talents for those concerned, ie prospective employers ;)

    Less texts, more colourful shots of the glamourous, I suppose.  Here's the thing.  Most of these shots are impromptu shots despite how well dress the subjects turn out to be.  I have always thought that the best portraiture shots would be centered around the idea of a highly controlled environment and "distilled" lighting and conditions.  Where's the fun in that...Not that I do not mind learning the best of that, it's just that I used to enjoy pointing and shooting at people or stuff lying around.  The percentage of the "wow-factor" shots is very low in those "recording"/"documenting" shots.  The PRO shots which appear to be able to capture the subject as though it was that way when you found it is what I want to learn.  Most of these shots are controlled either by moving certain items within the frame and/or, positioning yourself to frame it more naturally.

    Anyway, let's not get into theory-crafting, but rather just enjoy good looking people because it is simply pleasing to the eye =P
- Stout out  =^^=

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